Privacy Policy & Site Security

Protecting your privacy is important to the IELTS HoC. We strive to keep your personal information confidential. By ensuring that you are aware of and understand the IELTS HoC's Privacy Policy, we can provide you with better service. Please take a moment to read the following policy to learn how we handle your personal information.

1. Why We Collect Personal Information

IELTS HoC collects and uses your personal information to give you the best customer service, to provide you with convenient access to our customizable products and services. In addition, we use your personal information to keep you up informed about your subscription or any other information we think you'd like to be aware of.

2. How We Collect Personal Information

We collect information in several different ways. For example, we ask for your contact information when you register to use our web app service, book a consultation or request our service. We collect and store the information you provide in a secure database, that is never given out under any circumstances.

The IELTS HoC website uses industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption on all web pages where personal information is required. To make purchases from the IELTS HoC, you must use an SSL-enabled browser such as Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge. This protects the confidentiality of your personal information while it is transmitted over the Internet. Passwords are always encrypted and our web-server is both well protected and monitored 24/7.

3. Collecting Other Personal Information

When you browse IELTS HoC, you are able to do so anonymously. We don't collect personal information when you are logged in. When working with our AI Assistant, information shared with that assistant is used to better serve you and only stored in our database when it pertains to improving your service by retaining information helpful to you.

4. Our Commitment to Transparency

The IELTS HoC Privacy Policy is open and transparent for clarity and comfort. We encourage you to ask any questions you need to feel comfortable with our privacy policy. Please send any questions or feedback to our support email about any changes you desire.

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